Section 5

Leading for the Future

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Sit at the Center of Reshaping Business

Explore how visionary compliance professionals innovate business practices to ensure their compliance programs and organizations keep pace with ever-evolving business trends.


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The most effective compliance professionals are ahead of the curve when it comes to understanding the industry and getting in front of organizational and regulatory changes. Along with being skilled forecasters and diligent program orchestrators, compliance leaders know that the future of compliance is culture. Forward thinking organizations strive to build a culture where all employees know that doing the right thing is expected, understand the standards that apply to them and are confident their management is committed to operating with integrity.

This section will highlight the importance of your corporate culture and the best practices that will help ensure your organization’s culture is aligned with your compliance program’s and organization’s goals. It will also provide insight into the direction the world of compliance is headed and how we can continue to be as prepared as possible to lead our organizations effectively into the brave new world of compliance. 

Navigating the Rising Tide of Cybersecurity Regulation Lock Icon Icon of the outline of a padlock.

In 2016, an estimated 79% of companies have experienced cyber incidents in the past year. As cyber security threats have grown in their severity and pervasiveness, information security has become a leading priority for organizations and governments worldwide.

CREATe Compliance 09/13/2017
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In 2016, an estimated 79% of companies have experienced cyber incidents in the past year. As cyber security threats have grown in their severity and pervasiveness, information security has become a leading priority for organizations and governments worldwide.

The Center for Responsible Enterprise and Trade ( has produced this whitepaper to offer insights into the growing trend of cyber security regulation, and to help provide practical guidance to companies and governments seeking to proactively manage cyber risks and implement information security. 

I. New and Expanded Cybersecurity Regulation

II. Tightened Government Contracting Requirements

III. Growing Use and Importance of Cybersecurity Frameworks and Standards

IV. Implementing Leading Practices