Section 3

Demonstrating Value

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Make the Most of the Boardroom

Learn how to prove and communicate the value of your program while becoming a strategic partner to the C-suite and your board. 

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The value of your compliance program is demonstrated with a mixture of art and science. Hard data and evidence-based information is your scientific proof, while more abstract observations of attitudes and behaviors make up the art of your compliance program. Together the art and science of your work tells its story of effectiveness. 

This section will give you the guidance to best tell your compliance program’s story of effectiveness through best practices in program assessment and benchmarking. It will give you the tools you need to package the raw data of your work into a compelling presentation to your CEO, board and senior management. And it will provide expert advice to help guide you through nurturing key relationships across your organization to showcase the value of your program even when it’s not in the spotlight. 

5 Key Elements for Effective Compliance Program Board Reporting

The following best practices for board reporting create a strong, mutually-beneficial relationship between compliance officers and the board.

NAVEX Global 02/15/2017

The following best practices for board reporting create a strong, mutually-beneficial relationship between compliance officers and the board.

Board members are generally highly sophisticated, business-focused professionals who are accustomed to being provided with customized, high-level data and information. Their expectation is that the data they receive in board reports has been vetted and analyzed for them, and that they can convert that information into specific business plans.

Excellence in board reporting helps create opportunities for deepening board engagement, improving the company’s culture and helping to further cement the trust and respect the board has for the accomplishments of the company’s compliance program.

Download the following best practices for board reporting to create a strong, mutually-beneficial relationship between compliance officers and the board.


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Great resource!
Do you have a sample Board report and a user friendly template?
Thank you

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Sept. 10, 2018, 6:56 a.m. Gwendolyn Young Gwendolyn Young