Whistleblower Hotlines

Let's talk about effective ways to manage hotline programs and maintain speak-up cultures.

Nikki Clayton
Reporting the So-What and not just stats
I’m keen to connect with companies that have well established Speak Up / Whistleblowing processes. We are good at reporting numbers and trends but I’m looking to develop this further to provide the So-What view. How do you bring all your data to life? Are you able to identify risks within the business? Do you report in a different way? Would be great to hear from people.
Nikki Clayton
Nikki Clayton
Reporting the So-What and not just stats
I’m keen to connect with companies that have well established Speak Up / Whistleblowing processes. We are good at reporting numbers and trends but I’m looking to develop this further to provide the So-What view. How do you bring all your data to life? Are you able to identify risks within the business? Do you report in a different way? Would be great to hear from people.