
NAVEX Global Stands Against Racism

NAVEX Global is committed to fighting racial injustice and inequality across our business and within the communities where we live. There is no better declaration of our stance on this issue than a recent email from our CEO to all employees. We post it here as an open letter and hope it will inspire others to make a difference as well.

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NAVEX Global Team,

As a continuation of our Town Hall conversation yesterday, I want to again acknowledge the individual and collective pain we are experiencing now, especially those in the black community. Understandably, people are both heartbroken and outraged over the senseless death of George Floyd and so many other people of color who are too often the targets of racially motivated injustice.

I also recognize that I’m writing to you as a business leader – and as a white male. As such, I cannot possibly understand how racism truly impacts our black friends, colleagues and communities – but I am supportive. I am listening with an intent to learn and our company stands with you.

It should not be lost on any of us that NAVEX Global’s mission is to help create workplaces that are ethical, safe and compliant, and by definition that means they are also inclusive and free from discrimination. We work hard every day to achieve this within our company and help customers do the same. But we also recognize that this responsibility extends beyond our business into the communities where we live. Therefore, our commitment as a company – and community unto ourselves – is to stand against racism, injustice and inequity in its many forms and to work for change.  I promise that this will always be fundamental to the way we conduct ourselves and our business.

At NAVEX Global, we are committed to doing our part to fight racial injustices and ensure equality across our business and within local communities. As a first step, we are formalizing a task force dedicated to leading change that is so desperately needed. You can expect us to listen and you can expect us to act. We will build on our existing curriculum in management and diversity training to ensure our commitment to inclusion is more broadly understood. We will become more intentional in our support of our local communities where we live and we will encourage those who are able to support organizations focused on social justice, law enforcement reform and anti-racists initiatives. You will hear more about this from me in the coming weeks, and in the coming days you will see a Confluence page that will include information on how you can personally become more involved. 

I know that everyone is processing this painful time in a different way so please check in with each other and support each other. And let me, your manager, or any member of the executive staff know if you have concerns that you or a co-worker needs additional support.

In closing, we must commit to eliminating biases and demonstrate empathy, compassion and respect in everything we do. This change starts with us and it starts today. 

As a good friend and mentor said to me recently, let’s each of us hold the people we love a little tighter today, and do our part to make things better. We have work to do.

- NAVEX Global

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